Past Event Calendar


2024/10/26 The 15th Research meeting information.


2023/12/03 The 14th Research meeting information.


2022/10/23 The 13th Research meeting information.


2021/10/24 The 12th Research meeting information.


2020/11/01 The 11th Research meeting information.

2020/03/13 The 17th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2019/09/15 The 10th Research meeting information.

2019/03/08 The 16th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2018/10/27 The 9th Research meeting information.

2018/03/09 The 15th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2017/11/04 The 8th Research meeting information.

2017/03/10 The 14th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2016/09/04 The 7th Research meeting information.

2016/03/04 The 13th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2015/11/15 The 6th Research meeting information.

2015/03/13 The 12th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2014/11/16 The 5th Research meeting information.

2014/03/07 The 11th Sacroiliac Joint Seminar.


2013/11/02 The 4th Research meeting information.


2012/11/02 The 3rd Research meeting information.


2011/09/03 The 2nd Research meeting information.


2010/10/29 The 1st Research meeting information.

Our Hospital Guide
Instructions for Participation
Materials of the Research Group
Media Information